Friday, December 25, 2009

Come January 1st

I just recently sat down and watched the lovely movie of Julie and Julia with my wife. Now it is far from Science Fiction but still a decent movie none the less. Being a huge Science Fiction fan and adding the love of the internet from blogs, all the way down to the little website called that I run with my pals. I have decided to start a blog that is literally what it says.

I will be watching 365 Science Fiction movies ranging from Comic Book, Supernatural, Space, Present and Past. I would like your responses of some of the movies you wish for me to watch and I will definitely watch them. I already have a decent sized list of movies I will be running through. I am going to try and stick to movies that I have not seen in a while or at all before.

So remember any movies you want me to watch post them in the comments and remember to start following this blog.